• Nuzulfio Barizcky Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
  • Dedy Agung Prabowo


In Indonesia Paylater , a peer-to-peer application that offers loans, is increasing in popularity in Indonesia and it is expected that the number of users will continue to increase until 2024. Currently, many people prefer Paylater over other credit methods . Local products such as Shopee Paylater are leading Paylater's competition in Indonesia. Based on this increase, it can be said that the Indonesian people have an interest and a positive view of using Shopee Paylater . This study aims to analyze user acceptance of the Shopee Paylater application, based on the variables of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude towards use, behavioral intention to use, and actual use of the system. The method used is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and data will be collected through questionnaires distributed via the Google form. The sample of respondents was 100 people, who were selected using the Slovin formula. The expected results of this study are to determine the level of acceptance of Shopee Paylater , determine which Paylater is most widely used and accepted by users, and determine the factors or variables that influence the acceptance of Shopee Paylater users


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How to Cite
Barizcky, N., & Prabowo, D. (2024). ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING USER ACCEPTANCE OF SHOPEE PAYLATER USING THE TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL (TAM) METHOD. Proceedings of the National Conference on Electrical Engineering, Informatics, Industrial Technology, and Creative Media, 3(1), 114-127. Retrieved from