Android-based picture guessing game application to improve early childhood skills in recognizing objects

  • Gregorius Rinduh Iriane STIKOM Uyelindo Kupang
  • Tri Ana Setyarini Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika Komputer STIKOM Uyelindo Kupang
Keywords: Game, Guess the Picture, Early Childhood


Interaction Strategies and Learning Processes are determinants in improving children's ability to learn, currently many students experience a tendency to be less motivated in learning because of learning strategies that do not motivate children's learning. This study aims to create an Android-based Guess the Picture Application to improve children's ability to recognize objects around their environment. The results showed that the application of Learning Strategies Using Android-Based Game Media for students of Paud Pelangi Kupang City can improve the ability of Level B early childhood in learning. The game application is designed and can be played with questions along with the images presented making it easier for students to recognize the images displayed on the screen through smartphone devices or other computer devices guided directly by the learning companion teacher.


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How to Cite
Iriane, G., & Setyarini, T. (2023). Android-based picture guessing game application to improve early childhood skills in recognizing objects. Proceedings of the National Conference on Electrical Engineering, Informatics, Industrial Technology, and Creative Media, 3(1), 52-65. Retrieved from