Anti-Forensic Investigation Model Using Live Forensic Method on Private Web Browsing

  • Arya Satya Saputra Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
  • Wiwin Sulistyo Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
Keywords: Private Web Browsing, Live-Forensics, Random Access Memory, Anti-Forensics


For privacy protection, browsers developed incognito mode or private web browsing that does not store history data. Private web browsing can be used for crimes, but computer crimes definitely leave digital traces. It is necessary to have a forensic computer expert who will observe and analyze to obtain valid evidence. Private web browsing is an anti-forensic method because it intentionally uses private web browsing to find out something on the internet without storing data history. This research successfully found historical data on private web browsing for valid evidence. Data history for accessing the carding forum website and the marijuana buying and selling website is still stored in Random Access Memory (RAM), so it can be valid evidence. The Live-Forensic method retrieves Random Access Memory (RAM) data because Random Access Memory (RAM) stores all sources of information as long as the computer is turned on, which allows forensic computer experts to investigate quickly and accurately. From the tests conducted, the history data from private web browsing can still be found with the Live-Forensics method, even though the browser claims that it will not store history data.


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How to Cite
Saputra, A., & Sulistyo, W. (2024). Anti-Forensic Investigation Model Using Live Forensic Method on Private Web Browsing. Proceedings of the National Conference on Electrical Engineering, Informatics, Industrial Technology, and Creative Media, 3(1), 744-749. Retrieved from