Analisis Technology Acceptance Model Pada Aplikasi Augmented Reality Doa Sehari-Hari Berbasis Smartphone Android di Sekolah Luar Biasa Negeri Cilacap

  • Afiriyan Choirul Anam UNUGHA
  • Mochamad Taufiqurrochman Abdul Aziz Zein
  • Viar Prawira


Nowadays technological developments are increasing, many smartphones are sold freely on the market at affordable prices. The number of smartphone users in Indonesia in 2018 reached around 170.43 million, ranging from young people to adults who are familiar with technology via smartphones . Through smartphones we get a lot of information, one of the products is multimedia such as cartoons or animations. As time goes by, multimedia will definitely increase, starting from 2D, 3D-based animation to augmented reality and virtual reality . AR nowadays has developed quite rapidly, with many AR-based technologies ranging from games to learning tools . Students at the SLB N Cilacap school have an Islamic religion subject. The material taught is memorizing daily prayer readings, especially for students who suffer from severe, mild mental retardation and down syndrome. Students with mental retardation and down syndrome are a group of students with mental disorders who have intellectual abilities below average. This is because, characteristically, mentally retarded students experience obstacles in their intelligence so that they experience obstacles in adapting, lack of motor skills, lack of motivation, poor concentration


Technology Acceptance Model , Augmented Reality, Unity

How to Cite
Anam, A., Abdul Aziz Zein, M., & Prawira, V. (2024). Analisis Technology Acceptance Model Pada Aplikasi Augmented Reality Doa Sehari-Hari Berbasis Smartphone Android di Sekolah Luar Biasa Negeri Cilacap. Proceedings of the National Conference on Electrical Engineering, Informatics, Industrial Technology, and Creative Media, 3(1), 820 - 825. Retrieved from