Analysis of labor productivity in the printing department

  • Dina Rachmawaty Teknik Industri Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
  • Prisilia Rahayu Cahyaningtias Teknik Industri Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Keywords: Input, Output, Printing , Productivity


Productivity compares inputs and outputs for a worker to finish his task. Sukorejo Indah Textile Company includes industry manufacturing that produces products from cloth sarong. In the department printing, focus on producing the fabric you want, given a motif and coloring. Every day, department printing keeps going continuously to fulfill the request, so frequent obstacles are found in activity production like damage to machines, product resulting in defects every day, negligent workers, and the environment with less work support, which cause fatigue. Necessary calculation measurement productivity to deliver proposal alternatives in increasing productivity at PT Sukorejo Indah Textile, specifically in the department printing. Calculation productivity uses the method of total productivity because the method This easily implemented in the company. After that, an analysis of the influencing factors was carried out on productivity as well as suggestions for improvement productivity company. Research results show that results calculation productivity department printing amounted to 82.3%, which is significant and not enough productive, so a cause analysis consequences and discovery factor the cause originate from power work, machines, methods, and environment work.


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How to Cite
Rachmawaty, D., & Cahyaningtias, P. (2023). Analysis of labor productivity in the printing department. Proceedings of the National Conference on Electrical Engineering, Informatics, Industrial Technology, and Creative Media, 3(1), 189-194. Retrieved from