The Literature Review: Acid Mine Drainage Remediation Using Alternative Materials in the Mining Industry
This research presents an analysis of literature studies on acid mine drainage management using various innovative methods with alternative materials. The mining industry is recognized as a global source of energy, but it also causes environmental pollution, mainly through the formation of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). The management of AMD is a complex challenge due to its significant impact on the environment and human health. Various conventional methods have been developed, but they tend to be expensive and have major side effects. A combination of methods can help in the effective management of acid mine drainage, to improve environmental quality and human health. This literature review analyzed several previous studies that examined various method approaches in addressing AMD. The results show that the use of artificial wetland systems, organic matter, and coal mine waste has the potential to reduce heavy metal and sulfate concentrations in AMD. However, each approach has advantages and disadvantages and requires careful analysis of environmental conditions and the success of the management approach. Further research is needed to develop more effective, economical, and sustainable approaches to AMD management using phytoremediation and bioremediation. It is important to consider a variety of factors, including the chemical properties of acid mine drainage, local environmental conditions, and economic and social factors. Steps to manage AMD include understanding mine site conditions, identifying suitable alternative materials, designing suitable bioreactors, and involving all relevant stakeholders.
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