Gizmo Lifestyle: Pseudo-Entities in Virtual Spaces

  • Agatha Dinarah Sri Rumestri Universitas Telkom
  • Laurensius Windy Octanio H Universitas Telkom
  • Emmreta Fauziah Universitas Telkom
Keywords: gizmo lifestyle, virtual space, digital generation


It is undeniable that advanced technology has pampered us with various conveniences. Life is like being in a fast-moving space and time. Communicating with anyone and anywhere is no longer a significant obstacle for those of us who live in the era of cyberspace and the internet. The development of technology on smart devices has accommodated various online activities and triggered the development of the horizontal era. All parties who were previously connected vertically, whether in terms of position, purchasing power, or level of education, are equal as long as they want to connect online. The social order is increasingly 'disturbed' by the existence of sophisticated gadgets, complete with social platforms that decorate them. The term Gizmo spread prolifically along with the massive development of digital technology and mobile devices and even gave birth to the term gizmo lifestyle. 


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How to Cite
Sri Rumestri, A., Octanio H, L., & Fauziah, E. (2024). Gizmo Lifestyle: Pseudo-Entities in Virtual Spaces. Proceedings of the National Conference on Electrical Engineering, Informatics, Industrial Technology, and Creative Media, 4(1), 1-11.