Design of Rectangular Patch Ku Band Microstrip Antenna for Satellite Communication with Asymmetric Slit Method

  • Latifatul Khumaeroh Telkom University
  • Deni Alva Reza
  • Cathlin Vania Allun
  • Ganang Tulus Prananda
  • Petrus Korowe Goran
Keywords: Antenna, Ku-band, Microstrip, Return Loss, Satellite, Slit, VSWR


This research discusses the design of a Ku-band microstrip antenna designed as a receiver in satellite communications at a working frequency of 15 GHz. The analysis shows that the antenna design has achieved the desired specifications. At the initial stage, the antenna has a return loss value of -3.661 dB. After design optimization using the asymmetric slit method in the patch section, the return loss value increased to -21.899 dB, which reflects a significant improvement in antenna performance. In addition, the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) value also decreased from 4.813 to 1.174 after the optimization process, indicating that the antenna has met the ideal VSWR criteria for an efficient microstrip antenna. Based on these results, the designed Ku-band microstrip antenna is ready to be implemented in satellite signal reception systems.


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How to Cite
Khumaeroh, L., Reza, D., Allun, C., Prananda, G., & Goran, P. (2024). Design of Rectangular Patch Ku Band Microstrip Antenna for Satellite Communication with Asymmetric Slit Method. Proceedings of the National Conference on Electrical Engineering, Informatics, Industrial Technology, and Creative Media, 4(1), 137-147. Retrieved from