Penerapan Nordic Body Map Untuk Menganalisis Postur Tubuh Pekerja Di Departemen Fluid Services Di PT Eka Dharma Jaya Sakti
Humans are essential resources in the production process, and optimizing their performance and productivity is a primary goal for companies. At PT. Eka Dharma Jaya Sakti, workers' physical conditions and workloads have not been properly managed, leading to production challenges and decreased productivity. This practical work aims to identify work postures using the Nordic Body Map (NBM) method to assess the risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). The NBM method utilizes questionnaires to identify muscle complaints in the body and determine risk levels and necessary improvements. The study involved observations and questionnaire distribution to 8 workers in the Fluid Service department.
Keywords: Nordic Body Map, Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders