SETI International Conference <pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Terjemahan" data-ved="2ahUKEwi86N3J_LiCAxV91TgGHWvwCzkQ3ewLegQIBRAQ"><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">This conference invites participants with their work on the known horizon (real territory), from various fields, across science, art, tradition, astrophysics, astronomy, space science, humanities and other contemporary fields of study. We gather to share experiences of facing the (complete) unknown, and the impact of the unknown or unknown on culture and the (space) human imagination. Participants are also encouraged to bring any experiments or works that can create an encounter with the unknown, in a form that others can interact with. This will also be an opportunity for experiments in unknown locations that will be run during the symposium, with the participation of participants. (*: Evolution of The Unknown is the first annual International SETI conference in southeast asia since 2016)</span></pre> ASKARA JOURNAL en-US SETI International Conference AESTHETIC VALUE OF CONTEMPORARY BATIK WORKS WITH URBAN AND OUTER SPACE THEMES <p><em>The artists who express their work in fabric media with batik and collage techniques in this paper are Wendy Sibarani and Dina Vitalienitas Lestari, both of whom have interesting visual images and creation processes that can be studied because they have distinctive characteristics and self-concepts that are influenced by the impulse of memory, imagination, and creativity that have an impact on the image that describes itself. The method used is qualitative research, the theoretical study used in this research is related to the theory of the illustration analysis process, in this case using the theory of fine art review, comparative descriptive. Ideas always exist in every work produced by an artist, such as personal reflection, social expression, expression of memory individual experience of the artist, and other aspects. In Wendy Sibarani's work, The Expression of Urban Society, she displays the beauty of the city of Jakarta because of the artist's personal experience of seeing many people living in Jakarta who have difficulty living in a big city with all its problems. Dina Vitalienitas Lestari's work is also a reflection of her fondness for extraterrestrials, aliens, and UFOs, as an expression of individual experience and expressed in the work with the artist's personal language aesthetic value. </em></p> Ayoeningsih Dyah Woelandhary Nuning Yanti Damayanti Yan Yan Sunarya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-23 2023-11-23 1 1 1 4 DREAMS AS COSMIC REPRESENTATION IN THE LENG PERFORMANCE <p><em>This article, entitled Dreams as Cosmic Representation in the Leng Performance, explores the connection between dreams and the portrayal of cosmic beliefs in the Javanese society, as demonstrated in the Leng performance staged by Teater Gapit in 1986. The Leng performance serves as a reflection of the Javanese community’s beliefs and associates dreams with meaningful signs in daily life. In the Javanese perspective, dreams are often interpreted as messages from the spiritual realm. This research examines the correlation between the real-life experiences of the character named Juragan and the dreams he encounters in the Leng performance. Furthermore, the paper delves into the concepts of balance and harmony from the perspective of the Javanese people in the Leng performance. Employing a qualitative research approach with a case study method, this study reveals that dreams act as a gateway to the individual’s microcosm, reflecting the state of the surrounding macrocosm. Dreams are believed to be connected to events occurring in the universe and can provide insights into the overall condition of nature.&nbsp; Moreover, they can be linked to the situations and conditions experienced by individuals in their waking lives.</em></p> Nissa Argarini ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-23 2023-11-23 1 1 5 7 FREE WILL TO INHABIT THE NEW WORLD <p class="Abstract" style="text-indent: 0cm;"><em>Humans on earth have lived for millions of years, their existence has changed due to death due to the limitations of their lives, their descendants are born and also grow and live as the humans of their ancestors, but due to culture, they can think and communicate rapidly, getting better and better for the next generation. Right now it's like the digital era where it's as if the human world is united in the sense that no one is left behind with information that just happened here and there. But about death, humans have not yet obtained information from scientific developments. However, ancient ancestral traditions began to be used again, especially from ancient belief traditions, and humans rediscovered soul communication with their ancestors. Space is the inspiration that he wants to reach, the science of astronomy is an attempt to find extraterrestrial beings with various UFO phenomena, combined communication between physics, metaphysics, and ancestral traditions of knowing the human soul and spirit, is facing interconnections that perhaps will begin to be opened by meditative movements that include global esotericism, entering a realm that is intangible by the senses, but more real than being able to enter to live in it by a person's free will not return to this world but to live in a space that is more real by what he has experienced himself. This paper will discuss the interconnectivity of the universe and the new universe based on literature and the complexity of earthly human behavior in space.</em></p> Gai Suhardja ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-23 2023-11-23 1 1 8 10 FROM MEGALITHIC CIVILIZATIONS TO MARTIAN ROCKS: BUILDING A FUTURE BASED ON ECOLOGICAL WISDOM IN PAPUAN TRADITIONAL TOOLS <p><em>The megalithic tradition is increasingly lost, eroded by changes in human life patterns, and has a considerable influence on the progress of modern civilization. Megalithic cultural heritage can still be maintained by adopting human values, attitudes, and actions as a way of life to build a new civilization. This study aims to determine the form of megalithic cultural heritage that the people of Papua are still maintaining in sustainable development based on ecological wisdom for human exploration missions on Mars. This study uses a descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach to find and explain stone materials as the foundation for building human civilization and looking for the potential for extra-terrestrial life in the discourse on the colonization of Mars. The results of this study indicate that megalithic cultural heritage in Papuan human civilization can still be found in tools of living based on ecological wisdom, such as stone axes and traditional stone-burning ceremonies. Papuan people and stone civilization are the embodiment of a unity that cannot be separated in the life of modern society. The legacy of megalithic culture becomes cultural capital (knowledge and intellectual skills) and social capital (gotong royong, trust, cooperation, and empathy) rooted in internalizing values that live and develop in society. Intangible cultural heritage that lives from the past can be adapted for future patterns of human life combined with the development of science and technology. Processed products from basalt or andesite rocks found on the surface of the planet Mars can be used as raw materials for the manufacture of tools for the life of Papuan people in the future by taking care of cultural practices characterized by megalithic traditions.</em></p> Bayu Aji Suseno Putri Prabu Utami Yulini Rinantanti Apner Krei Winta Adhitia Guspara Pungky Febi Arifianto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-23 2023-11-23 1 1 11 19 SCOBY: CULTIVATING SUSTAINABLE ART IN THE COSMOS <p class="Abstract" style="text-indent: 0cm;"><em>The exploration of sustainable materials for artistic endeavors in space has gained significant attention in recent years. This article delves into the potential of SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast) as a biomaterial for cultivating sustainable art in the cosmos. Scoby, commonly used in the production of fermented beverages like kombucha, exhibits unique properties that make it an intriguing candidate for artistic expression beyond Earth. This study explores the characteristics of scoby, including its biodegradability, versatility, and potential for customization, which make it an ideal medium for artistic creations in the extraterrestrial environment. Furthermore, the article investigates the challenges such as conducting in-depth research to understand the potential inherent in SCOBY as a sustainable art material, exploring techniques and methods in SCOBY utilization, ensuring sustainability and prolonging the lifespan of SCOBY in the context of art, and exploring SCOBY potential for applications in art, space &amp; science. In conclusion, this research presents a comprehensive overview of the potential of SCOBY as a sustainable biomaterial for artistic creation. It highlights the importance of embracing biomimicry, learning from nature's wisdom, and recognizing the interconnectedness of all living beings and systems. Through this exploration, the article encourages further research and collaboration to unlock the full potential of SCOBY in cultivating sustainable art practices that resonate with both the artistic and scientific communities, ultimately contributing to a more harmonious and sustainable future.</em></p> Dina Lestari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-23 2023-11-23 1 1 20 25 SECRET VALUE GURIANG TUJUH FOLKSTORY FROM JAVA TO BATIK INNOVATION <p><em>Legends and myths are found in various places in the world in each nation, as well as in Indonesia, rich in legends and myths. This is very interesting because rarely do people research further about legends or myths, often only considered bedtime stories or just imaginary fairy tales. But when examined in depth, there is a lot of information about a lot of hidden knowledge.&nbsp; It is packaged so interestingly in a story and delivered in a spoken manner from generation to generation. If one moment is forgotten, it will certainly result in breaking the chain of knowledge inherited from the ancestors to their descendants. Using a cultural studies approach and reading symbols resulting from the input of actors who still maintain customs, then reinterpreted to achieve more understanding to understand the message. So, this message is used as a source of ideas for making tamarin batik storytelling, aiming that literacy in this speech culture can also be enjoyed and understood because it is visualized.</em></p> Arleti Mochtar Apin Ariesa Pandanwangi Tessa Eka Darmayanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-23 2023-11-23 1 1 26 30 TAKING SPACE <p>As a media artist, I introduce a collaborative art project I´ve been working on since 2020 together with artists from Sweden, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, and Aotearoa/New Zealand. It takes place on&nbsp;UpStage,&nbsp;an open source online platform for networked “cyberformance“, initiated in 2003 by a group of women around Helen Varley Jamieson and Vicki Smith in Aotearoa/New Zealand.</p> <p>From 2020 until 2024, we have been involved in the project “Mobilise/Demobilise”, co-funded by the European Union Art Program “Creative Europe”.&nbsp;</p> <p>“Mobilise/Demobilise“ deals with the problems of mobility in the age of climate crisis.&nbsp;The project addresses&nbsp;human mobility within the contemporary political and environmental context, and the impact of mobile technologies on human life and the environment.&nbsp;It is an artistic and discursive response to a world of increasing conflict, crisis, and emergency.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>UpStage works intentionally with small files to be accessible to everybody around the globe. With simple graphic elements, text, sound, online drawing, and video we work together in real time – low tech and with irony. Our “cyberformances“ are often hybrid, with live online audiences and audiences in real spaces. The audience can interact via chat and sometimes influence the performance.</p> <p>All our cyberformances are research-based, sometimes we work together with scientists, philosophers, and theorists in all fields.</p> <p>At the moment we are developing our next move: “Taking space“. After the resources on earth are exploited, humankind looks to the stars.&nbsp;One of the UpStage developers works for NASA,&nbsp;and she drew our attention to their endeavors to mine the moon.</p> Eva Ursprung ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-23 2023-11-23 1 1 31 32 THE TRANSFORMATION OF DIGITAL IMAGING IN PHOTOSHOP WITH THE PRESENCE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE GENERATORS <p class="Abstract"><em>The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has permeated various aspects of human life, including the realm of digital art and photography. This article explores the integration of AI in Digital Imaging Photoshop, a platform that has become a cornerstone for artists and photographers alike. The application of AI technology in Photoshop has enabled significant improvements in image editing processes, with key keywords such as face detection, image restoration, and semantic image processing. Furthermore, AI has introduced new tools that allow users to create more complex and realistic visual effects, transforming the way we interact with digital images.</em></p> Budi Yuwono ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-23 2023-11-23 1 1 33 36 TRANSFER OF ILLUMINATION ART VISUAL SPACE IN KIDUNG, BABAD DALÊM SRI NARPATI INTO BATIK MOTIFS <p><em>This study aims to reveal the transfer of visual space contained in artistic illumination found in classical manuscripts into batik motifs. The problem in this study is more emphasis on the visual transformation of the visualization contained in the art of illumination into the form of batik motifs. The right research strategy is qualitative research. The research objective is focused on the Javanese manuscripts found in the Yogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace. Regarding textual data and contextual illumination, data collection was carried out using observation techniques, visual studies through documents in the form of classical manuscripts and identification, and in-depth interviews. The stages of the research were data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification. The results of the study show that illumination in Javanese script is a vehicle for ideas in the process of creating the Kawung Yogya Arum Kusuma motifs. The batik that was created takes over the space in the main part of the dominating motif contained in the illumination art with the kawung motif as a background. The color of the batik is dominated by a dark brown background, with the main motif having a blend of blue, light brown, and black. </em></p> Ariesa Pandanwangi Tessa Eka Darmayanti Arleti Mochtar Apin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-23 2023-11-23 1 1 37 40 UAV, UGV AIMING AT THE MOON AND MARS AIMING FOR ATMOSPHERIC OBSERVATIONS ON MARS <p><em>In recent years, there has been a growing interest in</em> <em>space development all over the world. Nearby stars such as the Moon and Mars will have manned spaceflights in the near future. Robotic exploration and</em> <em>construction will take place before humans actually go. Many shafts have been found on the Moon and Mars, and the first bases and cities will be built underground. Demonstration experiments will be conducted on Earth for robots that are active on the Moon and Mars.</em></p> Wataru Okamoto Tatsuki Horii ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-23 2023-11-23 1 1 41 45 UNIVERSE ARTIFICIAL PETS <p><em>Humans are social creatures. Unfriendly, isolated, and harsh space conditions will affect an astronaut’s psychological state and could cause stress or depression to the astronaut due to a lack of social interactions. Cat is one of the most popular pets in the world. Cat is said to have positive effects on humans, such as reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, and reducing the risk of heart attacks. The idea in this study was to design a realistic cat-shaped robot that could accompany and interact with astronauts as they explore space. This robot can be equipped with functions to detect the astronaut's mood using an infrared sensor, a smart communication bracelet for two-way communications with the astronauts, a graceful hind and strong muscles to offer high flexibility in movement, and a warm, soft, and fluffy fabric that mimics cat fur. This robot is tasked with accompanying its astronaut owner on missions in space. The materials that will be used are reinforced carbon/carbon composite, steel, and titanium on the inside of the robot, and Kevlar, nylon, and faux fur on the outside of the robot.</em></p> Chris Salim Dina Lestari Go Mico Iin Tishania Meilita Olivia Saputra Christian Therry Jeremiah Adrian Sinatra Vincentius Marson Soesanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-23 2023-11-23 1 1 46 49 VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGN COGNITIVE ACTIVITY MODEL (A BEGINNER DESIGNER CASE STUDY) <p><em>Design thinking is becoming more readily understood today, as design practitioners become familiar with the thinking processes involved in using conceptual knowledge to drive better solutions to unclear problems. This study aims to develop ways or methods for novice visual communication designers from cognitive activities for novice visual communication designers, to obtain findings from the results of a prospective comparative analysis. With the proposed methodology, model l activities take place in a chronological flow under specific guidelines involving various forms of design understanding. The guide is closely related to the design phase from problem to detailed design and the cognitive processes of divergent and convergent thinking. This methodology provides open-minded beginners seeking to advance the design process, solve complex design problems, and make better design decisions. This research has a unique approach to methodological development. Next steps The proposed methodology guides more effective cognitive activity during the design process and has the potential for application in design education due to its focus on the needs of novice designers.</em></p> Sasferi Yendra Olivia Febrianty Ngabito Fulkha Tajri M ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-23 2023-11-23 1 1 50 54 TRADITION SPACE IN THE MAKING OF BATIK TULIS YOGYAKARTA INSPIRE BY JAVANESE ANCIENT MANUSCRIPT <p>The understanding&nbsp;of space is no longer predicated on massive limits such as walls or a ceiling. However, space may be generated through the creative process of generating works, history, culture, and even narratives. Based on this, the research aim&nbsp;is to present another viewpoint on space connected to the process of creating Yogyakarta batik designs inspired by an old Javanese text, namely <em>Jaya Lengkara Wulang. </em>This qualitative study employs a phenomenological approach with narrative presentation. The research results in the disclosure of several components that make up the traditional space. This research provides better knowledge of Indonesian traditions and creative ideas for making cultural products for a wide audience.</p> Tessa Eka Darmayanti Ariesa Pandanwangi Arleti Mochtar Apin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 1 1 54 57